Bold Point - Blockchain Game Details

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Bold Point

Dive into Bold Point, a blockchain game where your skills earn real rewards. Craft, trade NFTs, and win in a web3 reality where players control the game.

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Bold Point

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What is Bold Point?

Bold Point — is an alternative reality, stuck in between dimensions, a mosaic of our world’s different pieces torn out of order and crashed by an ancient civilizationThe community has power to decide on the changing the exact characteristics of certain character types, skills, item sets and other in-game assets in a completely transparent and decentralized mannerIn Bold Point, your gaming skills have real value and can bring you uncountable rewards. With few steps you can extract game resources, craft new items and sell them to players on the market or NPC shopsThe Bold Point Champions Team will battle against other contenders. The winner will be the last player standingThe special PVP game mode that enables prize pool gathered by all involved players and distributed among winners

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