Dash League - Blockchain Game Details

Dash League

Play DashLeague, a groundbreaking MMORPG on blockchain. Mint NFTs, create dungeons, and earn in-game with unique tokenomics. The web3 adventure awaits!

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Dash League

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What is Dash League?

DashLeague is a unique MMORPG built on the blockchainPlay by minting one of the unique 20,000 Genesis NFTsSome are funky - Some are specialAll of them raid dungeonsTHE NFT MMORPG THAT YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAYCreate your own dungeons, claim your own shops in town, mine, farm, and earn tokens while you sleep.NIQUE RUNE & DUNGEON TOKENOMICSIT PAYS TO PLAYOur unique rune system allows you to play thousands of unique dungeons by combining different runes at the portal in the game. Each rune has special attributes that govern the level, dungeon type, drops and more!...but wait! There is a twist!Each time you portal to a new dungeon it requires a small token fee. Upon beating the dungeon boss, you can claim the map, earning the token fees paid for the next 7 days!LEAGUE TOKENOMICSINTRODUCING LEAGUE POOLWait, can you steal maps from other Dashers?Yes, and now let me introduce "Leagues"!One of the major tokenomic models of DashLeagues is that Dashers can create a "League" by teaming up with other Dashers. When you join a league you can pool conquered maps, and split the token rewards!And if that wasn't all...MAP BUILDING TOKENOMICSIT PAYS TO BUILDOnce you claim a dungeon, you can customize it, changing the layout, adding your own traps, monsters, props and more that you acquire by playing the game!Dashers review dungeons after every raid (win or loss), rewarding up to 15% bonus tokens for building great dungeons for their fellow Dashers!..and we are just scratching the surface, the rest you will have to experience in-game!NFT TOKENOMICSEARN ROYALTIESWish your favorite games paid you to play?We have set aside 2.5% of royalties earned by DashLeague for holders of Legendary or Godly DashLeague NFTs!Only have a "common" NFT? Great! Through playing the game and "transcend", Dashers can raise both the base stat multiplier and rarity of your NFT!

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