Legends - Blockchain Game Details

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Gamesfy Game Details


Embark on "Legends," a blockchain game where mastering skills and completing NFT missions elevates your hero status, unlocking exclusive web3 rewards.

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What is Legends?

In Legends you can choose different roles and professions, master various magic and skills, challenges various monsters and enemies, complete various tasks and copies, upgrade your abilities and equipment, and ultimately become a legendary hero of the world!Bounty is Legends' core products.Bounty has a huge impact on the eco-system of all Legends' applications, players who do not participate in the Bounty system will require to pay more money to participate in other products in the future.Bounty is a web3 online mission platform where Legends will post numerous missions and a special NFT badge will be given when complete each mission.Different badges have different effects and different ability to increase the Bounty membership level, The higher the Bounty level, the higher the amount of benefits and airdrop rewards in all Legends ecosystems.

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