Meta Nomads - Blockchain Game Details

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Meta Nomads

Survive the apocalypse in "Meta Nomads," a blockchain game where NFT loot and web3 alliances shape your destiny in a fierce battle for survival.

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Meta Nomads

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What is Meta Nomads?

War unexpectedly took hold in the summer like a sudden heat wave. Moving through the colonies fast and hot but lasting barely a season, it burned the land fiercely and scorched the lives of its inhabitants mercilessly, men, women and children. All living things struggled; most died and perished. But here and there, what was left of the colonies crackled in the smoke.Resources scarce, humanity and its compassion dead, the unlucky few who survived now roam the barren lands in searchof food, fuel and someone to kill, feared and avoided they call them the 'beyond people ', the 'meta nomads'. Players spawn in multiple large canyons with little resources at hand, each canyon leads to one central battle map The Zone.The players are tasked with finding and collecting valuable loot such as Hoverboard fuel, weapons, ammunition, armours and medical kits before entering The Zone. The canyons cover long distances with great heights, hence the use of Hoverboards to get around is necessary. However, fuel is scarce. Toward the end of the canyons, the players should be well equipped and ready to enter The Zone as Meta Nomads, where everyoneis there to fight for survival.The game uses Third Person Shooter view points in order for the players to connect with their Meta Nomad and always see their assets on display and in action (outfits, skins, armour, weapons)As the map shrinks pushing each Meta Nomad into the centre, interactions with enemies become more likely and thus dangerous, every choice is a life or death situation. Strategies will evolve, alliances will emerge, get tested and many will crumble, the stakes are high and the consequences are dire.

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