OmniKingdoms - Blockchain Game Details

Gamesfy Game Details
Gamesfy Game Details
Gamesfy Game Details
Gamesfy Game Details


Dive into OmniKingdoms, the ultimate web3 blockchain game. Mint, train, quest, and craft in a limitless NFT world. Gear up, fight, and win with strategy!

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What is OmniKingdoms?

First start by minting you player on the mint page. Pick a name between 3 and 10 chars. Then pick a genderClick on the train button to enter the train page. There you have the option to train your combat or mana skills. There are no cap to these stats. You can click the begin training button to confirm your transaction. From there you must wait untill the timer expires. While you are waiting, your status will be set to training and you won't be able to do anything else. Start a quest, then wait. basically you are going off to find some gold and gems. you can use these as currency or as craft materials. Cooldowns are the timer that represent how long you must wait in between questing. Some quests have longer cooldowns, and embarking on any quest requires a reset for each quest. Some items cost resources, and some cost mana. some cost both. There can be equiped for stat boosts. some stats (like magic) can't be trained. Right now the only way to boost your magic score, is to craft magic itemsThere are 6 slots. Head, body, right arm, left arm, pants and shoes. Hand items can be equipped to either hand. If an item is equipped, it will have a green border. PvP fights that are based on pseudo random coefficients that take account your on-chain stat values. Wager gold, see who can claim the most wins. Fight with strength or with magic. We are tracking losses now as well.

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