Road to Dreams - Blockchain Game Details

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Gamesfy Game Details
Gamesfy Game Details
Gamesfy Game Details

Road to Dreams

Embark on "Road to Dreams," a captivating blockchain game where you guide Bob from a freelancer to a top businessman on the WAX Blockchain.

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Road to Dreams

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What is Road to Dreams?

You start playing as a novice specialist who starts his career path from his apartment. As the character grows, his standard of living also improves. As a result, our character turns from a freelancer into a cool businessmanRoad to Dreams is P2E game created on WAX Blockchain. In this game, you can pass the path of a young and ambitious guy named Bob, in whom each member of our team has invested a piece of himselfBob decided to break out of routine of working as an office clerk and realize his dreams. He starts his journey in the shower room of the hostel and he has one of three directions to choose from - programming, design and marketing. Bob will develop in the game together with you, and only you decide his fate and paves the way to success, from a self-taught freelancer to a specialist in demand by everyone

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