SkyNity - Blockchain Game Details

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Dive into SkyNity, a web3 blockchain game blending strategy & MMO with NFTs. Conquer lands, win big, and shape the economy in a vortex of rivalry.

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What is SkyNity?

Skynity is a blend of oldschool strategy games such as Ogame, Tribal Wars, Heroes of Migh and Magic with current trending MMO gaming, all created in fantasy world of Skygods and Skylands.Our aim is to connect immersive and exciting rivalry with opportunity to win big prizes based on tournament and high stake prizepool. Default deflationary and sustainable economy of decreasing pool of token will generate motivation for competition among players. Skynity is a game of complex strategy where you can build, recruit armies, fight or cooperate with other players or fight mobs. Main aim is to conquer vortex shaped map and gather as much SDT token (which is mined in SDT mines) as possible to help Skygods balance the realm. Token can converted into rSDT ingame currency required for any actions. SDT also can be withdrawn via portals to the wallet. Protect your troops and lands, protect your mines, conquer the land, win big prizes by climbing at the top of leaderboards.BULLETPROOF ECONOMYInnovative solution based on the Proof of Play modelENGAGING GAMEPLAYAttacking, defending, and expanding NFT LandsREAL ENTERTAINMENTBridging real gaming fun and blockchain earningsSTRONG COMMUNITYA large base of blockchain game testers and managersPROVEN STRATEGIESThe real competition inspired by the poker dynamicsCRYPTO BACKGROUNDExperienced team in fields such as crypto, gaming, and high-tech

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