SNKRZ - Blockchain Game Details

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Earn rewards in SNKRZ, a blockchain game merging NFTs, fitness, and web3. Walk, run, and bike with your NFT shoes in the metaverse!

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What is SNKRZ?

SNKRZ is a Walk-To-Earn social fitness platform that allows users to exercise with their NFTs in the metaverse and earn rewards. A SNKRZ NFT is simply shoes (used interchangeably throughout) in the metaverse in the SNKRZ app.After being equipped with a SNKRZ NFT users can exercise by choosing an exercise mode (walk, run, bike, hike, etc.) and earn $SKZ and $FNF tokens as rewards. Using GPS technology, the app records the user's exercise data and provides exercise information, including steps count, distance traveled, and calories burned.Various indicators affect gameplay. In addition to the Fever, Stamina, and Charisma given to users, shoes have five different abilities and boosts. There are additional abilities for the cycling and hiking modes. In addition, users can earn extra revenue through various activities such as purchasing items used for shoe repair, synthesis, leveling up, breeding, sale, and rental.SNKRZ LAND is a space in the metaverse that is connected to the real world. Land owners earn $SKZ and $FNF whenever a user enters their Land. Land owners can use various items such as Stamina and Boosters to attract users to their Land.

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