SPACESHIP WAR - Blockchain Game Details


Join "SPACESHIP WAR," a blockchain game where NFT alliances battle cosmic monsters for peace in a web3 fantasy galaxy. Save the Solar System in 2080!

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What is Spaceship War (Game Story): The spaceship war game is based on the popular "Star Wars" film, with the events described taking place in a fantasy galaxy.The fantasy story takes place in the year 2080, when human science and technology are at their most advanced.People have discovered that, in addition to Earth, there are many other creatures and planets with life similar to Earth. Mercury (Mercury), Venus (Venus), and Mars are the closest to Earth.After a long period of peaceful in the galaxy, all four planets face a dangerous threat from monsters that appear unexpectedly from four other planets nearby:-Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune-SaturnWhen faced with the possibility of mass killing. All four planets (Earth-Mercury-Venus-Mars) partnered up to form the "PEACEFUL" alliance in the galaxy.And since then, the "Speaceship War" against alien monsters has begun to make sure true peace for the entire Solar System...

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