Taroverse - Blockchain Game Details

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Gamesfy Game Details


Explore Taroverse: a pioneering cross-chain Web3 universe with immersive Play2Earn games, lively social hubs, and NFT rewards. Connect, play, earn!

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What is Taroverse?

Taroverse is the first cross chain and cross platformmetaverse of multiple Play2Earn games connected together by an open world island. Taroverse aims to bring the high quality gaming experience while making the social experience of players interactive and fun at the same time. Players will be able to interact and socialize with their friends globally while making some passive income. Voice chat, text messages, emotes, enjoy concerts, disco, live events, games are just few of the features that Taroverse offers to its players.Initially, Taroverse aims to Launch four games:- Taro Gem Quest- Monster Bash- Tactics Royale- Tarogotchi

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