Vendetta Games - Chalk River - Blockchain Game Details

Vendetta Games - Chalk River

Dive into "Vendetta Games - Chalk River," a thrilling blockchain game where gold, outlaws, and survival reign. Master your shooting in a web3 wild west!

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Vendetta Games - Chalk River

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What is Vendetta Games - Chalk River?

The town of Chalk River was erected shortly after the discovery of the mine.The land is teaming with wildlife, scorpions, rattlesnakes and Outlaws.Since gold has been discovered it has been inundated with every type of hired gun, wildcatter, card cheat, and carpetbagger looking to get rich.The local inhabitants created a guild to protect the town and themselves against the hostile forces hellbent on taking over the town and the mine.To survive in this territory you need to be tough and you need to know how to shoot.Often one is the key to the other.

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