- Games
- Zombie World Z
Zombie World Z - Blockchain Game Details
What is Zombie World Z?
Zombie World Z is upgraded and developed based on Zombie Idle Defense – a successful and established game in the market. Currently, the publisher has transformed the upgrade by applying blockchain technology and metaverse to game mining in a new aspect with a game economy tied to Tokens and blockchain on the Binance Smartchain platform.CHARACTERCountless heroes for you to own. However, you can only choose a maximum of 5 heroes when participating in battle.NFTCombat items that you can craft, upgrade, trade- weapons and pets.ONE PLAYERPlayer-versus-machine mode to gain experience and rank up.METAVERSE EXPLOREMetaverse Explore: PvE mode – players are connected to virtual reality technology to fight hidden Bosses.CHAMPION/ CONTENT/ EVENT ROUNDChampion/contest/event round: the person with the high rank will get experience and special items.MULTIPLAYERPvP (player-versus-player) fighting mode to get experience and rank up.